3 Renovations That Can Increase Your Home’s Value

Your house isn’t just a relaxing place after a long day of work, but it is also your lifetime investment. Conducting frequent renovations will constantly improve the value of your house when you decide to sell or rent it out. The following three top renovations have constantly attracted potential buyers to give a higher offer.

Roof Renovations

A roof is the exterior signature of your house, and it’s one of the first things anyone will see while approaching your residence. Installing a new roof is a worthy investment compared to the negative impacts it may have on your sale. A poorly maintained roof won’t be attractive to many buyers, leading to receiving limited and low offers. You may also take a long time selling your house, depending on the condition of your roof.

There are more than 5 million roofs that are installed annually, according to roofingcontractor.com, which are chosen from a variety of roof replacement and repair options such as:

  • Partial Re-Roofing

This entails replacing specific parts of your roof that are worn out. Partial re-roofing often leads to an uneven slope in your roofing design. This option is suitable if your roof comprises one layer, but if it comprises several layers, you will have to replace your entire roof since you will need to replace each layer of the damaged roof part.

  • Shingle Replacement

If your roof shingles are damaged, you can easily replace them by ensuring the new shingles match your existing roof. Luckily, this is one of the affordable roofing replacement options.

  • New Roof

This is an ideal roof replacement option depending on the age of your existing roof, wear and tear of the roof, and the climatic conditions of your area. There are two options to choose from when installing a new roof, a roof over or tear-off.

Roof over is an affordable option since it is the process of installing a new roof over your current old roof. This roofing option will give your house an entirely new look, and it will attract many buyers with high offers while selling it off.

A tear-off is a roofing option that involves completely removing your old roof and replacing it with a new roof. Entirely replacing your old roof with a new roof will improve the insulation of your house, thus bettering your lifestyle.

Living Room Renovation

The living room is the most cherished part of a house since you spend more time socializing and bonding with your loved ones in it. Regular renovations of your living room will enhance an intimate bonding experience. Living room renovations can also lead to decluttering, leading to the creation of more space.

Replacing your living room lights with more energy-efficient lighting options will minimize your electricity bills and attract potential clients. In the next two years, over 56% of homeowners plan on replacing living furniture to enhance the comfort and appearance of their living rooms. A renovated living room will escalate the value of your property. You can add a fireplace in your living room to keep you warm during winter.

Bathroom Renovations

A bathroom is a relaxing place as you unwind while getting ready to face a new day. Over 12.43% of bathrooms have a modern design, resulting in an increased property value. A bathroom renovation will save you money by replacing water heaters, repairing leaking parts, or even adding aerators, thus saving you on your electricity bills.

Traditional bathroom designs mainly invite clutter, thus lacking space to store your showering necessities. Renovating your bathroom will lead to decluttering, which will, in turn, lead to the discovery of secretive storage spaces for your toiletries. Replacing your bathroom tiles is also a vital renovation to prevent you from slipping and falling while having your shower.

The quality of renovations you undertake on your house will determine the increase of your property value. It is advisable to conduct quality renovations to maximize your property value. Always consult relevant professionals before undertaking any renovation for accurate and quality results.