5 Things All Businesses Should Know About Their AC

Air conditioning (AC) systems are essential for keeping a business’s interior comfortable and healthy. However, many business owners may need to learn how to keep their AC system in good shape and make it work as well as possible. This article will give an overview of the most important things businesses should know about their AC systems to make smart decisions about their equipment and maintenance.

1. Replace AC Filters Regularly

This is one of the easiest ways to keep an HVAC system in good shape. Replace your AC filter every 30 to 90 days, depending on the type of filter and how often it’s in use. If it seems dusty or blocked, change it more frequently.

The more the HVAC system has to work, the more power it needs to keep the temperature stable. These small pieces can get stuck in the filters, making them dirty and stopping clean air. Most of the time, HVAC filters in commercial buildings need to be cleaned at least once a month.

2. Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Aside from cleaning the air filters, it’s crucial to have a professional HVAC contractor check the whole system. As part of HVAC maintenance, the entire system is checked out carefully. They look for problems, like worn-out or loose parts, that could get worse. Scheduled maintenance can also help your business save money by lowering its energy bills by a significant amount. According to the Department of Energy, predictive maintenance can lower industrial maintenance costs by up to 30%, cut downtime by up to 45%, and reduce breakdowns by more than 70%.

3. Invest in a Newer, Better HVAC System

Investing in a newer and better HVAC system can help your business save energy, reduce your carbon footprint, and lower energy bills over time. Newer HVAC systems are usually made to use less energy. They have features like programmable thermostats, fans with different speeds, and better insulation that can help reduce energy use and make rooms more comfortable.

Research by Energy.gov says that about 6% of all the electricity made in the United States is used by air conditioners. So, when looking for a new HVAC system, it’s essential to look for ones that are Energy Star certified. These are made to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s strict standards for energy efficiency. Compared to older, less efficient systems, systems with the Energy Star label can save you up to 20% on heating and cooling costs.

4. ACs Help Maintain Indoor Humidity Levels

ACs send air inside over evaporator coils, which take moisture out of the air as it moves through. The water is then cooled down and drained away, leaving the air dryer. When air is cooled, its ability to hold water drops, so the evaporator coils remove the extra water from the air through condensation. So, when the air is blown back into the room, it is cooler and drier, and there is less humidity.

ACs can help keep humidity below 60%, which is good. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory statistics state that mold and mildew can’t grow in places with relative humidity above 60%. ACs can also help improve the air quality inside by filtering out pollutants and allergens in the air. This is great for the health of the people in your business.

5. Set Up Your Thermostat Right

Using the thermostat to keep the office at the right temperature is another good way to keep your HVAC system in good shape. You can use smart AC controllers for ductless units and change the heat settings based on the weather or how many people are in the office. If no one is in the office, you should set the thermostat to a lower temperature. With a smart controller, you can set temperature-based triggers to automate your indoor environment.

To make sure your air conditioner works well and efficiently, you must keep up with its maintenance. It gives both employees and customers a comfortable place to be. With the knowledge of these tips, your business will make the indoor environment healthier and more sustainable for everyone.