5 Things In Your Home that are Draining Your Bank Account

Your lifestyle can have an impact on your bank account. Obvious expenses like fancy clothes, luxury vacations, and other high-cost decisions are obvious money drains. However, there are other things you might not be aware of that are having a negative impact on your budget. Some of these are in your home. Here are some things in your home that are draining your bank account.

1. Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioning is a great way to keep your home cool during hot weather. It is very common. In fact, Comfy Living says that the planet’s AC unit demand in 2018 was nearly 111 million. It is often a safety measure, keeping you from overheating during extreme weather. However, running your air conditioner can be expensive. Take steps to reduce energy usage as you run it. You should keep windows and doors closed in order to keep the cool air contained. Also, make sure that your filters are clean and that the unit is working as efficiently as possible. This could require some deep cleaning and professional maintenance, but it will save you money in the long run.

2. Plumbing Costs

How often do you bring a plumber into your home? Plumbers can be expensive, so you want to reduce your repairs as much as possible. Be careful with your home’s plumbing. Don’t damage it or cause it to get clogged. According to Reader’s Digest, flushable wipes are one of the most common causes of clogs in your toilets and pipes. Despite the name, you shouldn’t flush them. You should also learn how to do some basic repairs on your own. If you don’t need to bring in a plumber as often, you won’t have to pay so much in repair costs.

3. Your Hot Water Heater

If your hot water heater isn’t working as well as it could, you will end up paying higher energy costs to fill your shower or bathtub. Make sure that your heater is well-maintained. You might also want to upgrade it. Since water heating makes up 18% of your home’s total energy costs, buying a more energy-efficient model can reduce that cost. This is a big investment, but it is one you should consider when you reach the end of your water heater’s natural lifespan.

4. Plugged In Appliances

If you leave your appliances plugged in when you aren’t using them, you are going to end up paying higher electricity costs. Just because the appliance isn’t in use, does not mean it isn’t consuming electricity. The plugs still take in a small amount of energy, which can add up over the month until it makes an impact on your electricity bill. Make an effort to unplug things when you aren’t using them. This includes appliances and chargers. While it might not be a huge saving each month, this small lifestyle change will add up.

5. Your Clothes Dryer

Using a dryer costs a lot of money on your electric bill each month. If you’re trying to cut down on your expenses, try using alternate methods to dry some of your clothes. Hang them out to dry in the sunshine. This takes more time, but it will save you money. While your busy lifestyle may not give you the time you need to hang dry all of your clothes, it can still help you save a little money using this method.

If you need to cut some of your energy costs, some of the drains to your money can be found within your own home. Use these tips to go through your house and find ways to reduce your costs. It will help you save a lot of money in your monthly budget in the future.