8 Tips for Starting a Daycare at Your Work Office

As working parents, it’s not easy to get childcare where you can feel at ease knowing your little one is in good hands for all your work hours. This side distraction not only puts emotional stress on a parent but also subconsciously causes worry. It leads to less focus in the workplace and possibly low production.

In 2015, 51% of toddlers aged three-to-five-year-old attended a full day care program. These stats show the demand for having children at daycare where parents can work without worrying about their child’s wellbeing. Starting daycare at the workplace can also help parents have full access to their children during working hours, which is even more peace of mind. Here are some tips for starting a daycare at your work office.

1. Come Up With a Plan

A business plan is crucial to any business as it gives a sense of direction and guidelines for executing operations and making profits. Your daycare needs a business plan and structure as the foundation long before you establish anything else.

2. Consider the Age Groups of Kids Attending the Day Care

What age groups will your daycare take care of in the facility? This is very important because knowing the age groups will allow you to hire the teaching staff and set up activities and programs tailored to those children.

3. Supply and Location

Every aspect of your daycare should be covered from finances to licensing requirements. As for decor, 94% of correspondents involved in a questionnaire believe that artwork made workspaces more welcoming no matter the industry. 61% Of people believe that having art in a workspace also adds to the staff’s creativity.

It’s clear that while the location is essential, knowing what works, even the little things like wall art, plays a massive role in the subconscious minds of people who will share those spaces.

4. Register Your Daycare

Every state in the U.S. has different rules, some like the next. Still, it is important to remember to register your daycare with the state where it will be located. Some registration processes work faster than others, and while not all are the same, it’s essential to obey the rules set in your region.

5. Saftey Protocols

Safety is important not only to the staff but also for the little ones who will be in the care of the teachers and care workers during their time in the daycare. Things like childproofing and child-friendly environments are of the utmost importance. While we also cannot control the germs and microbes around us, about 80% of illness-causing germs are passed on from one person and surface to the next through hands. Disinfecting spaces, toys, and play areas is very important to help keep kids from becoming ill all the time.

6. Get an EIN (Employee Identification Number)

If you haven’t done this step yet, then applying for an EIN or “employee identification number” is a vital step in running your successful daycare business as it involves taxes. The IRS facilitates the process and the steps are simple and can be completed online.

7. Set Up Employee Contracts

Before hiring anyone, ensure you have legally created your employee contracts. The contract will include what the company expects and what the company is about, and all the rules and necessities of the company and its staff. You can have it checked by an attorney to verify that everything is working and in place.

8. Hire Your Staff

Your business needs the staff to function. Think of a business as a massive cruise ship or giant yacht. To operate these large-scale sea vessels, a crew is needed. Your child daycare is your ship, your staff is the crew and you’ve guessed it, you are the captain.

Are you looking for an excellent way to help your fellow parent in need of daycare for their toddlers? Look no further because a daycare facility at work will boom with success.